ListenDownloadJul 08, 2018#5 - What's In Your Wallet? Financial Stress and WorryPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: abundance, enough, financial stress, generosity, money, stewardship
ListenDownloadJul 01, 2018#4 - Doubt And UnbeliefPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: doubt, silence of god, sorrow, unbelief
ListenDownloadJun 24, 2018#3 - The Lord's Unfailing Love In Mental IllnessPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: depths, mental illness, psalm 130
ListenDownloadJun 17, 2018#2 - When Our Bodies HurtPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: chronic, disability, healing, hope, illness, mercy
ListenDownloadJun 10, 2018#1 - Loneliness is Not Just a FeelingPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: alone, belonging, community, loneliness, lonely
ListenDownloadJun 03, 2018EPIC #10 - Making Everything NewPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: consummation, new heavens and new earth, new jerusalem, restoration
ListenDownloadMay 27, 2018Union With Christ, Part #5- New Creation Not Just New MePreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: in christ, in him, new creation, reconciled, union with christ
ListenDownloadMay 20, 2018Union with Christ, Part #4 - Mystery Not MeritPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: baptism, merit, mystery, sacrament, union with christ
ListenDownloadMay 13, 2018Union with Christ, Part #3 - Assurance Not AssignmentPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: adopt, adopted, adoption, assurance, election, in christ, predestination, union with christ
ListenDownloadMay 06, 2018EPIC #9 - The Gift of the Holy Spirit, Making God's Story PersonalPreacher: John HuizingaKeywords: holy spirit, pentecost, temple, witnesses