
Men Ministries

Our men ministries allow the men of our community to gather, share and learn from each other  – and to seek to know, love and worship God.

Bible Life: Men's Group

This relational bible study group is dedicated to the support and encouragement of leading men into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and spiritual growth through the study of God’s word. We meet weekly to study the Bible and discuss what we have learned and discovered. Our studies are typically verse by verse discussions of various books of the Bible. Studies range from as little as 4 weeks to as many as 12 weeks.

Our ministry is open to men of any age, background and biblical knowledge. The only requirement is a desire to discover what God is saying in the passages we study.

Meets every Wednesday, 7:30-9 pm


Morning Men's Bible Study

trengthen your walk of faith with this Bible study group of men, led by Pastor John. Men of any age are invited to attend and enjoy this study time in which we explore various Bible passages and discuss the messages, questions and faith issues that arise. Together we will be enlightened to study the Bible more diligently and strive to lead more Godly lives.

Meets every-other Wednesday, 7:30-8:30 am



5 Characteristics of a Godly Man

1. STEP UP: Lead. Initiate. Be a man of action. Assume it is your job and your moment.
Hate apathy. Reject passivity.
2. SPEAK OUT: Silence in the midst of sin is a sin. Be courageous.
Fear God not man. Speak the truth in love.
3. STAND STRONG: Don’t give in when you are challenged, attacked or criticized.
4. STAY HUMBLE: Be vigilant against pride. Get the log out of your eye.
Don’t think less of yourself, think of yourself less.
5. SERVE THE KING: Seek first His Kingdom, His glory, His righteousness.
Hope in the eternal. Live for a greater reward.

Excerpts taken from
Todd Wagner’s message
Act Like Men: Defining and Discussing God’s Calling for Men