
Church Library

The Lombard CRC Library offers current books, classic Christian resources, and children’s books for anyone to check out for a month. Members of the congregation can use the library as a gathering place, a place to browse books or read to children. 

We have a group of volunteers manning the library after church on Sunday and a self-check-out folder for other times. Additional volunteers are always needed - it's easy to learn. 

 If you would like to recommend a book to add to our library or purchase books or items to donate to the library, visit the library wish list [ Click Here ]

Interested in seeing what books we have? Check out our online catalog below! [ Click Here ]

Lombard CRC Library Summer Events

Each Story Time session will include a read-aloud, a craft, a sensory-based learning activity, and a closing story geared towards children ages 2-5, but older and younger children are welcome! Moms and their children will have an opportunity to fellowship while they play. Other events will include stories and activities. We also have many that are just drop-in events, these events just need to be registered for in advance for materials. All events will be held at Lombard CRC in the fellowship hall or the library.

Rainbows & Promises Story Time - Friday 6/14

Stars & Stripes Story Time - Friday 7/12

Bible Story Olympics - Wednesday 7/31




Have small children?
Lombard CRC offers Storytime, held Fridays 9:30-10:30 am at the Lombard CRC Library.
[ Click Here ] to learn more.