
Outreach Ministries

Together we seek to know, love and worship God with all our hearts and to impact the surrounding community with acts of service. Our Outreach ministries are one way we are able to use God's gifts.


Corner Ice

Corner Ice is our community ice rink, operated by volunteers of our church.
Corner Ice is is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

For more information, rink schedule or guest waiver forms, visit out CORNER ICE page.


Adult Serve

Adult Serve is a group of people, men and women ages 18 and up, who serve together on various projects. Some serve projects are close to home, some are in other states. Projects can be over a weekend or last an entire week. Most projects involve some type of construction, but all skill sets are welcomed. 

Our latest trip (June 17-24, 2023) we served in Madisonville, KY to work on homes devastated by tornadoes that hit December, 2021. Our serve team worked in partnership with Hopkins County LongTerm Disaster Recovery Group. Watch our video.



PADS stands for Public Action to Deliver Shelter. Every other month our church is involved with feeding the homeless on a Sunday night through Monday morning. This is an opportunity to bring food and/or server those in need.

We typically serve every-other month, shifts Sunday night through Monday morning.

Please view our church calendar for upcoming PADS volunteer dates.

Interested in Volunteering?

PADS is always looking for volunteers. You do not have to be a Lombard CRC member to volunteer. If interested in volunteering, please complete and submit the form below. You will be contacted by a ministry leader regarding all details. Thank you and God Bless! 


PADS Volunteer Form

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Please select the date you are available to volunteer.

Volunteer Shift*

Please select the ALL shifts you are available for. If you select multiple shifts, you will be assigned and notified which shift you will be needed for.


~ 1 Peter 4:10